We are sailing along now, still meeting some resistance but for the most part I am pleased with how things are going. We added some new material for Owen and it has seemed to make a big difference with him. Exploring Creations 2: Swimming Creatures is a awesome curriculum. I found these books which has a entire elementary series of animals, along with astronomy, anatomy and a few others. It is fascinating and I am enjoying learning right along with him. He is less resistant to write when he works on his notebook which is a nice change. We have around 9 weeks left of this school year, which I can't believe. May is going to be a busy month for us. I scheduled his annual test that is required by NC, and chose the Woodcock Johnson. This one is done orally and we will receive immediate feedback on his learning style and grade and age placement. I am hoping this will help us choose our new curriculum for next year. This year I am also taking Owen to the NCHE Homeschool Convention. They have a children's program and I think he will enjoy it. I am looking forward to spending some time with him we will be gone 3 days and 2 nights. DH will be staying back with the two Little's for that adventure!
Monday we picked up our shipment of baby chicks. I think I got a little carried away ordering and we may have too many chickens! They are so cute thought and I tried to order some rare breeds that are not common locally. I have come to really enjoy raising chickens. We have a nice variety with standard breeds such as Americana's, RIR, Barred and Buff Rocks and two guineas. We also raise bantams: Silkies, cochins, and sizzles. This year we are adding Black Jersey Giants, Marans, Blue Laced Wynadottes, Buff Orpingtons, and some standard breed Cochins. I also ordered some different breeds of bantams that I hope do well. Some I ordered are pullets (females), but some come straight run so I know I will be having to deal with more roosters than needed. I am hoping I have pairs each of the new breeds. I am also hoping to start selling some of our eggs, to help with the cost of feeding all these creatures!